Key Objectives

The purpose of this section is for you to create a plan of action for your base to achieve the objectives of this program. From the information provided in this brochure you should be able to formulate a comprehensive approach and utilize the services, products and resources provided by FORSCOM and AIPS in conjunction with your base resources to implement actions that will produce the desired results. As a reminder the mission and objectives are as follows:

The Mission of the Safe Driving Campaign, "Combat Aggressive Driving", is to Reduce fatalities and injuries related to POV accidents through new, innovative approaches to changing negative high risk behavior and traffic safety. We must raise the bar on safety and protect our most important resources - soldiers and their families - from tragedies related to POV accidents.

 Safety is a command responsibility that cannot be delegated. It requires individual commitment and discipline.

America's families have entrusted us with their sons and daughters and everyone must take that responsibility seriously.

Knowing the standard and choosing to ignore it, momentary lapses in leadership, shortcomings in training and inadequate standards are the leading cause of accidents. To combat these conditions, effective leadership, well disciplined training plans, established standards, and sound risk management principles must be applied.


Aggressive driving is the leading cause of automobile crashes, injuries and deaths according to the Department of Transportation and NHTSA. Two-thirds of all deaths (27,000) were caused by aggressive driving characteristics last year.

  • Reduce fatalities and injuries to POV accidents.
  • Change negative high-risk behavior.
  • Protect our most important resources soldiers and their families from tragedies related to POV accidents.
  • Educate Leaders and Chain of Command on Aggressive Driving Behavior.
  • Create a memorable "tool kit" for drivers and passengers to modify attitudes, behavior and decision making in high-risk traffic situations.
  • Use new, innovative and interactive educational programs in the classroom, the Internet, VHS and DVD methodologies.
  • Create a branded Public Awareness Campaign to gain support for the program on and off post.
  • Utilize reward and recognition programs to generate motivation to achieve objectives.
  • Integrate the programs with the local communities and state agencies.

  • According to the Federal Department of Transportation, to prevent this life threatening behavior it requires a three-pronged approach of EDUCATION, ENFORCEMENT and a strong JUDICIAL effort. The ultimate objective of the three-pronged approach is to gain voluntary compliance with traffic laws, save lives and reduce the epidemic of aggressive driving.

     Education, as the first step, is key in order for the campaign to be effective. It is important that everyone understand what aggressive driving is and how attitudes and associated behaviors can be changed. Pro-active education that modifies attitudes and behaviors is a key addition to the "tool kit" for saving lives and reducing POV accidents.

    Enforcement as the second step will reinforce the need to gain voluntary compliance of traffic laws. Through the use of warnings, citations and other enforcement and surveillance techniques and the public's awareness of the goals of the campaign the enforcement of laws will reduce the incidents of aggressive driving. Pro-active education through schools and community centers by law enforcement needs to be a part of the program.

    The third step of a strong judicial effort that enforces the consequences associated with aggressive driving, is imperative to the effectiveness of an overall campaign. Prosecution and conviction of violators along with mandated behavior modification programs is essential to break the cycle of aggressive driving.

    These three components must work hand in hand to deliver maximum results. Any one used as a stand-alone will have some affect but when EDUCATION-ENFORCEMENT and a strong JUDICIAL effort are used together the synergistic effect delivers greater results.


    In detailing your plan of action the following twelve steps to success will enable you to design a comprehensive campaign.

    Steps to follow:

    1. Define the problem and establish goals for the campaign.

    2. Create a detailed plan for the program

    3. Brand the campaign with a name that will create public support.

    4. Determine the educational requirements of the program.

    5. Determine the equipment needs.

    6. Determine manpower and labor requirements.

    7. Establish buy-in from the components of the three-pronged approach.

    8. Establish a budget and determine funding sources such as grants or other public and or private funds.

    9. Enlist the support and joint venture of activities with the private sector such as insurance companies, media, and public educational institutions.

    10. Launch the program with the first step being education of instructors, law enforcement, attorneys and judges followed by a press conference for public awareness.

    11. Create surveys through the media or community web site to provide feedback to the public.

    12. Approach the campaign as a permanent change that becomes embedded in the community and not a one-time event.