Public Awareness

Key Objectives

Mission: To build awareness of the Safe Driving Campaign and "Combat Aggressive Driving" to provide motivation to become better drivers and support the programs at all levels on post and integrate with local and state communities.

The Public Awareness campaign will have a variety of materials and media available to communicate key memorable messages that educate and reinforce techniques that facilitate a change in the driver decision making and improve the culture of the driving community.

The key educational messages will be communicated through printed materials, television spots, public service announcements on radio and television, news articles, brochures and a number of desirable items that contain "power thoughts" and messages for the "tool kit". A listing of some of the items are on the following page.

These items and messages can be customized for your base should you desire. Working with AIPS the public awareness campaign will achieve the goals as you specify them for your particular needs.

Sample concept papers for grant applications are contained in this section. Several agencies at the local and state level are eligible for grant monies to fund enforcement and public awareness initiatives in the local community regarding aggressive driving. These initiatives will integrate with activities and messages on your base. AIPS can facilitate the grant process with any of the local agencies you designate.

  • Brand the campaign to create public support.
  • Create additional items for POV "tool kit".
  • Develop support materials and media that effectively communicate action-oriented messages.
  • Support special events/safety days with POV messages.
  • Enhance recognition and rewards programs for POV safety.
  • Develop monthly themes that support the goals of the program.
  • Involve community members on and off post to increase exposure of key messages.
  • Assist local communities with grant writing in funding of local support of "combat aggressive driving".

  • The overall goal of all public awareness activities is to reinforce the POV safety messages and keep drivers and their passengers thinking about risk assessment and positive decision making while on the road. In addition, to gain voluntary compliance of all traffic laws as well as Army regulations regarding POV safety.

    Public Awareness Campaign Materials and Media Listing


    1. 1. Combat Aggressive Driving tri-fold brochure. Learn how to avoid becoming an aggressive driver and how to avoid becoming the victim of an aggressive driver.
    2. 2. News articles for publication posted on FORSCOM PAO web site as well as
    3. 3. Traffic Safety Calendar for 2003. Each month has a safety theme and associated message and features interesting photographs of soldiers and their families in POV safety situations.
    4. 4. Tri-fold brochures for seat belt usage, cell phone safety and driving under the influence.


    1. 1. "Combat Aggressive Driving" 35 second television public service announcement on aggressive driving featuring singer/songwriter John Secada in an MTV like format describing the dangers, statistics and key message to "eliminate aggressive driving". This video is very appealing to young adults and speaks their language. Other PSAs will be developed throughout the program focusing on different themes.
    2. 2. Customized radio spots targeted at local needs and requirements.


    1. Stress balls branded "Combat Aggressive Driving" and S.T.O.P.P. Ideal for keeping in the car as a reminder of key messages and reliving stress in traffic situations.
    2. Key chains branded with the S.T.O.P.P. message. (Stop, Think, Observe, Plan, Proceed with Safety)
    3. 3. Tee shirts with "Combat Aggressive Driving" and S.T.O.P.P. messages. Grey shirt with base logos.
    4. 4. Mouse pads with "Combat Aggressive Driving" and S.T.O.P.P. messages. (AIPS has the ability to customize materials for bases with the approval process in accordance with the terms of the contract with FORSCOM.)


    Safety stand down days and special events can be attended and supported by AIPS and the public awareness campaign materials. AIPS has a static display as well as the ability to make "special presentations" on traffic safety issues. AIPS will be happy to work with you on the specifications for making your safety days a memorable event.

    AIPS will assist with local television news services to produce new pieces on aggressive driving and the initiatives by the bases and local law enforcement to implement solutions to save lives.

    Grant Funding and Applications

    AIPS can assist local and state agencies prepare grant applications for funding for local programs to "combat aggressive driving". These programs would coordinate local activities with base activities so there is continuity of the approaches to find solutions to aggressive driving in the communities surrounding the bases.

    Recognition and Rewards Programs

    FORSCOM, Safety Directors and AIPS will work together to develop recognition and rewards programs that motivate all drivers to change high-risk behaviors. These programs will comprise of enhancements to existing methodologies as well as creating new awards in new areas.